
Monday, 21 April 2014

Ordinary Happiness

Ordinary happiness is an experience that is so close to each of us that we barely even notice it. Yet here we are, with this supreme opportunity to become 'aware' of what it is that is 'aware' in this present moment!

It has been said often enough, in 'spiritual' circles, that we create our own happiness or misery. As creatures of habit, locked into our 'perceptions' of 'reality', we can coast through an entire lifetime without ever stopping to question the premise upon which those 'perceptions' are based. If questioning does in fact arise, it is usually the direct result of some crisis; some confrontation with change and its associated loss or gain...

Continue reading in Return to Forever

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Going With the Flowing

Barron Falls
Thunder Down Under
The Barron Falls 

It's not always moving at this level of intensity, but isn't it true that at times life can be pretty damn full on!

When the flow is just too massive, we need to let go. Why resist the tumble, why resist whatever is happening? I guess 'resistance' is in our bones and our innate fear of change is instinctive...